Saturday, March 31, 2007


I spent my first day in Bangkok with touristy activities. First, I went to the Grand Palace. Was fun but it is really a touristy spot. Later on, I walked down to the river and was immediately approached by a guy that wanted to sell me a boat trip - for 1000 Baht. Well, I took the official ship and paid 26 Baht. Cruising up and down the river, I got a better feeling for Bangkok and in the end even arrived at the Central Station. I spent the rest of the day riding SkyTrain, hanging out at the Siam Plaza, listening to Jazz, and getting back to the hotel. For a few impressions, have a look at

1 comment:

Bangkok Hotels, Thailand said...

Many thanks with your good picture and story. If i have a chance to visit in Bangkok again , i will go to Grand Palace and looking for the hotel around Kaosarn Road. I think that Kaosarn Road is good for young travellers. Around the street, there are a number of old buildings and temples, some of which have been transformed into restaurants and even tattoo parlours, although you will still find quiet family homes if you look deep enough. Aside from some interesting architecture, Banglampoo shows the mix of peoples and heritages that is the character of Bangkok. There are Muslims, Buddhists, Mons, and of course a great number of foreigners in this small area. All of this makes the area an interesting place for a glimpse of Thai life. Thais also appreciate the area for the many types of traditional kanom or Thai snacks and desserts available and the cheap clothing available in the Banglampoo Market