Today was my last shopping day here in Samtse; I'll be leaving Samtse next Sunday morning and will move up to Paro. In Paro, I'll be organizing a workshop for lecturers. Will be exciting and I'm looking forward to it - but it'll be a busy time...
Shopping is a little special here in Samtse - different from what I was used to from back home. Well, you don't go to Migros or Walmart but instead to the Sunday market. Vendors come from India and sell you whatever you need; bananas, tomatoes, chili, beans, carrots, ... Buying stuff turned out to be a bit difficult in the beginning because
- I'm not speaking Hindi
- I'm not used to bargain
- I'm a stupid chilip (= western guy in Dzongkha) and everybody realizes that within half a second
Last week, we walked up to the top of the mountain that is next to Samtse - it's an awesome place because you get a good overview of what Samtse looks like. Was a hard fight to go up there - but it was worthwhile! Guys, have a great weekend and enjoy life!

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